Monday, September 24, 2012

Rain "Fall"

Fall's only officially been upon us for 2 days now, and like in most places, it seems as though summer's been gone for way longer than that! When I got here 2 weeks ago, it was jacket weather, as it had been for most of the summer already. Summer temperatures here don't get very warm as the presence of ice in Frobisher Bay creates a cool micro-climate over the city for most of the season. Of course, there is the odd hot summer day, but high's generally only reach 11 degrees in July. With summer temperatures as low as that, you can just imagine that "fall" unofficially happens in Iqaluit before the Fall Equinox is crossed off our calendars. The vivid tundra colours I had witnesed last weekend, have already faded to brown.

Vivid tundra colours of last weekend

I've also noticed the days are getting noticably shorter. It seems as though when I got here, the sun was setting at about 8:30 PM! Today, the sunset at 6:26 PM, which gave us 12 hours of sunlight (give or take 2 minutes!). Word on the street is that 8 minutes of sunlight is lost every day as the winter, and darkness, makes its way over Iqaluit.

People are gearing up for the winter, which includes prepping their vehicles for the long cold months ahead. Extension cords are being mounted onto cars...

50 foot extension cord

Electrical outlets are readily available across most parking lots to ensure cars will start once the temperatures drop. Pipe like structures line most parking lots in new developments. I guess the presence of an outlet designates a parking spot since lines are rarely painted to separate spots.

Extension cord wrapped around a post it can be plugged into

Lines can be painted on pavement, but most of the streets and parking lots are made of a sandy gravel mix. When it rains, potholes pop up everywhere! I think this is the reason why 98% of vehicles here are trucks and SUVs.

So  many potholes! 

It's been raining for pretty much 15 days straight now... Just imagine the potholes! This is grater was hard at work just below my window this morning, and woke me up too early! SO much noise, but at least it will be a smoother drive.

The big loud grater grrrrrrr

Rain rain go away!!!

Nunavut stop signs in English and Inuktitut

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