Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Favour-ite Spot

At lunch today, I was asked for a favour. I was asked by a coworker if I would be willing to be in a photo enjoying a nice Italian wine at one of her favorite places overlooking the Sylvia Grinnell river. I'm always up for anything, but this sounded like a pretty good gig. How could I say no to that?

Her husband was in turn doing a favour for a friend who works for this wine company,  and wanted a shot of their wine being enjoyed across the world. Since the majority of non-Canadians think we live in igloos, a Northern shot seemed to fit. Nunavut represent!

The sun was shinning, so we had to go quick before it faded away! We drove through some crazy potholes, and by the over flowing dump before getting to the "spot". It was beautiful!

The sun shining over the Sylvia Grinnell River

Blue Arctic waters of the Sylvia Grinnell River
The Sylvia Grinnell Park I had visited earlier in my trip is to the right.

I guess a lot of other people really like this spot too. There were a lot of traditional summer camps set out in the distance overlooking the river.

Traditional summer camps overlooking the Sylvia Grinnell River

I'm not sure how the final shots turned out, but here's a leaked version of the test shots...

Caribou antlers + wine + river <3

Decked out and loving the fur trim around my coat!

We were on a tight schedule because we were doing this over lunch, so little wine was consumed... but it will be part of dinner tomorrow night.

It was also wing night tonight.. and surprise surprise I didn't go alone! Woo woo... table of 6! Short post today since I took advantage of the company I had ;) I learnt a few words in Inuktitut as well... not that I remember how to pronounce them. But fun fact: There are no swear words in the Inuktitut language! The closest to a swearing is saying "I want to smack you"... black eye anyone!? Would swear words have been a better alternative? ...just sayiiiiiing. I've heard a few things.

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