Sunday, September 30, 2012

In the news

This is all old news now since I forgot to post this on Friday. But life changing news it is... read on!

Nutrition North Canada, a food subsidy program, is putting sour cream and cream cheese back on the "healthy menu"! This means that starting October 1st, Northerners will be able to dip their chips and excessively spread their bagels at slightly more affordable prices! So much for thinking I couldn't move here because cream cheese was 7$.

Also in the food news was the eyebrow raising Frobisher Market, a business that’s trying to bring lower food prices to Iqaluit once a week. I guess skimping on food packaging costs was part of the plan... frozen sausages, ground beef, and chicken is being sold straight out of cardboard boxes. It's probably not as much of a health concern as they're making it out to be.

Since I happened to walk by the Frobisher Market, which was supposed to be open from 5 to 7 pm, I decided to quickly stop in to assess the bulk meat problem I had read about earlier in the day. At 6:30, they were loading up their last box. I was told to come earlier next time. Little do they know, there is no next time!

AND in the local paper, Nathan spears his first Narwhal!

Seeing this announcement made me wonder if the Glengarry News published similar announcements? Can people pay to announce that their kid caught a buck just like they announce weddings or graduations... I think they should start!

1 comment:

  1. Mon dieu c'est triste, il me fait penser aux petits amis de Elf!
