Sunday, September 16, 2012

Hiking in Sylvia Grinnell Territorial Park

Comforted by a description I found online, The Grind & Brew seemed like the perfect place to spend Sunday morning.

"The closest Starbucks to Iqaluit is in Ottawa, but that's okay because the city has a comparable coffee house, called the Grind and Brew. This popular coffee house specializes in fine coffee, tea and chocolate. Come in for a cup of joe or a friendly chat with the locals."

Expecting a familiar scene, I pack my book and my ipod and off I went! Once I finally arrived, I was faced by  reality:  The Grind & Brew was a pizza joint meets dinner, that happened to serve coffee, and where people hang out to watch sports on the big screen. Serving multiple purposes seems to be common up here!

Skeptical, I took a sip of the Hazelnut Cream coffee I had just served myself. It was so good! So good, that I even asked the owner where he gets it was from. Turns out it's from BC. I'll definitely be back! Next time though, I'll be sure to bring my travel mug so I don't have to hang out there.. not exactly coffee shop atmosphere!

Grind & Brew Cafe

I spent the rest of the day wandering around the city, and eventually into Sylvia Grinnell Territorial Park. The views were spectacular! I spent 3 hours walking around here, and admiring every inch of the landscape. Here are a few pictures I took... Get ready!

Some rocks, some tundra, the Sylvia Grinnell River and the ocean in the distance


SUNSHINE :) Haven't seen much of it since I've been here

Rocky trail up to the top!

Amazing fall colours!

View of Iqaluit as I head to the top

Hanging out at the very little summit of 68m! 

I'm on top of the worrrrrrld!

Oh! And because it's Sunday, I though it would be appropriate to share a picture of the "igloo church", an important landmark in the city of Iqaluit. It was just re-built after a fire in 2005.

St-Jude Anglican Cathedral aka "Igloo Church"

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