Friday, September 14, 2012

My Polar Bear Dip

It's Friday and I'm tired! It's been a long week... which evidently translated into a few long blog posts since I've been so busy exploring my new surroundings.

Tonight's adventure unfolded because my craving for Gatorade pulled me off the couch. But at 7$ there was no way my craving was going to be satisfied! I ended up just buying a $5 calling card instead (actual cost: $5,25), which only gave me a 17 minute phone conversation to Ontario! At the rate I talk, that was less than a single phone call home.

Anyway, the wind had died down, and it felt a little warmer out so I extend my walk and headed towards the ocean! Turns out, it was much closer than I thought. It was a good walk. A plane was coming in overhead, and it was the closest I have ever been to a plane as it was landing. Two sled dogs also came running towards me. They looked nice, but I didn't pet them since I wasn't sure. There were actually a bunch of dogs just hanging out between the water and the airport.

Random dog sledding dogs chilling here
I made it to the shore of what I think they call Frobisher Bay. I could even see some mountains in the distance! We've been having a lot of rain, so it was nice to be able to see far in the distance.

A view over Frobisher Bay

With the cold weather, the water, being in the Arctic, and polar bears on my mind... I had a genius idea: Polar Bear Dip! ... So off went the shoes, and in went my feet! I was in the Arctic Ocean!!!

In the Arctic Ocean! Not sure I'd be ready to jump in ;)

It was cold! And I also had a hard time getting out. My feet kept sinking in the sand. The Ocean wanted me to stay!

The sand was like quick-sand!

 Say what you want about my toes, but they're little troopers!

Cold feet!

It was quickly getting dark, but sunset was pretty much non existent. The sun kind of just slowly stopped being bright, and secretly went away. I hurried back to avoid all sketchiness that takes place after the sun goes down.

View of Iqaluit from the shore line at dusk

It's officially the weekend... Not that I have anything going on! I wonder how the weekend will unfold. I'm thinking of all of you in Ottawa having a blast at Kitchen Party! I wish I was there.. or that I was at an Iqaluit version!

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