Thursday, September 27, 2012


I never thought I'd be one to wear real fur... but after spending only a few days here, I knew I needed to come home with some! Everyone has a coat trimmed with beautiful fluffy fur, and boots, slippers and mittens made with seal skin. And I'm obsessed with this one girl's purse made with mostly leather with a seal skin flap over top! In yesterday's photo's I was in heaven in the jacket I was wearing with Arctic fox trim lining the hood. Apparently I've been converted... I now love fur. And today, I purchased some of my very own!

Viewer discretion is advised...

Isn't that beautiful!!! 

I bought my fur from a fur trader today at the annual Nunavut Trade Show. I realize I just made that sound pretty hick, but I assure you it was just a regular trade show. There were businesses of all sorts giving away some swag, but also a lot of people selling crafts and other artisans. I guess the fur trader would be lumped into the artisan side of things because fur is a large part of crafts here... it's on absolutely everything that's hand made! There were a few thing on that side that were pretty neat... and I regret not taking a picture of the fur trading booth! He had quite the assortment of furs to choose from.

For the fancy lady:
a fur coat made of seal skin with a silver fox trim

Polar bear claw on a fur vest I saw

If fur's not your thing
(the north might change your mind)
but this sweat shirt  might also keep you warm!
I actually love the print - local design firm

On the way back to the office I noticed the iceberg I was trying to get a good glimpse at was finally at a reasonable distance, this picture is 2 weeks of waiting to get a picture! Photo of the day: Iceberg in the bay! No big deal.....

The tide is very low in this picture, and the iceberg is so close! Finally!

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