Thursday, September 20, 2012

Mystery Canners

Before leaving for Iqaluit I was told to be sure to check out this place called Canners, or something like that, for a cheaper alternative to the Supermarket. I tried looking it up when I got here, but no luck. I figured I had misunderstood the name, or it had shut down. When I heard people talking about this can-place in the office today, it was time to jump on the opportunity and uncover the mystery! 

Little did I know, Baffin Canners and I were pretty much neighbours, and I've probably walked right by it a dozen times since being here. 

Placemark A = Canners
V shaped building with blue roof =  my apartment

Do you blame me for not suspecting I was walking passed anything significant?! It's not even on a main road! It's kind of located along a trail...

If you do look closely enough, between all those pallets and storage containers, an inconspicuous entrance can be seen. Appearances as I've come to realize here, are usually deceiving! But inside, was an old-school grocery store; a mom-and-pop type operation. Baffin Island Canners LTD (Canners by the locals) imports a variety of food to sell at reasonable prices, or as reasonable as prices up here can be! 

I feel so welcome! chicken coop entrance (not actually!),  crooked stairs,
marker-ed store hour sign, the 0 missing from the building number...

The layout inside is pretty unconventional, as you need to make your way through a hallway lined with chest freezers/refrigerators before having to choose which of 2 rooms to enter first. The one on the right is filled with all sorts of cheeses, "fresh" fruits and veggies as well as bread. The room on the left has pop, toilet paper, cereal and pretty much everything else. There are also two white mystery chest freezers marked “Seafood” and “Beef”. Their content rotates based on what's been shipped to them. 

I came home with some pretty good finds, if I must say so myself! I was glad to spend $15 on a few items that I was really excited to come home an eat! I have been feasting all night! 

$5.89 for Baby Cheese
Even cheaper than it is in Ottawa!

Mmmmh! And avocado for $2.20!
What a steal, they are $6.39 at NorthMart!

Paired with a Shawarma from the one and only shawarma joint that calls Iqaluit home: Yummy Shawarma! It's been a great night!

Good food! Good night! 

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