Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Iqaluit Special

Now that I've been here for a few weeks, my coworkers are tired of my rosie stories about the North and think my perspective need a reality check! Little by little, they are trying to expose me to the realities of life in nice little Iqaluit. They sat me down on Friday and told me to "Listen up".

Ever since I was part of the crazy story exchange between a few long time residents, which was both hilarious and traumatizing at the same time, I've been noticing weird stuff all around me. Today especially...

It all started this morning when I found a sheet of paper slipped under my door. Apparently someone's been spitting on the hallway walls of the floor I live on! Disgusted at the thought, I really hoped Brent was able to identify the bad guy. At first, I thought the "wanted" poster was a little strange considering I had never noticed spit on the walls, and even after looking, I'm still not able to see what Brent's problem was. Thinking about it a little more, I wonder if it's all a joke..? Brent's last name is "crook" and his email address is @ nig. Profanity! ..I don't know if Brent can be trusted!

Other poster's I've seen around the city:

"All coat's must be checked for security reasons"

"Remove hood before entering store"

After a few black eye stories, they were surprised at how few black eyes I had witnessed. Then today, my cashier at the post office, not really fitting the "black eye demographic" had a big black one under her left eye! Kind of rattled, I hurry back to the office to tell my corworkers what I had seen. Turns out this specific cashier always has a balck eye... because it's a birthmark! Ooops! Even though it's fake, I bet no one messes with her... I wonder if it's an evolutionary thing? Maybe there's a long family history of black eyes...

The day goes on. I finally decide that tonight was going to be the night I go to a nice restaurant and order myself a big fancy plate of Arctic Char!

Arctic Char!

Anyway, I get to the restaurant, lovely table for 1. As soon as I sit down the server didn't waste any time to list off the menu item's that weren't available. Way to just list off everything on the menu I was interested in eating, frig! Turns out I wasn't eating Char tonight after all. But I was in the mood for fish, so I opted for the only other fish alternative available, turbot. It was good! I Googled it as I am writing this  post since I had never heard of that type of fish before. No wonder this fish was available...It's an easy catch! Predators/fishing lines just need to sneak around to the right!

I had turbot instead. Very un-symetrical fish.

Since I was close to the grocery store, I figured I'd stop in before heading home. I guess my walk there was just that much too long.. I can see a man stumbling along in the distance. I get close enough.. he stops, looks up, sees me, reaches down and starts peeing. Right there on the "side walk". No shame. Friiiiiig!

All in all, it was a good day... which just kept getting weird! With all of this behind me, I even managed to help a man at the store (remember all stores here are multi-purpose) score a free pair of longjohns! He was here working construction from la ville de Quebec, and obviously unilingual. The cashier obviously did not speak French so I was the lucky translator! There were no longjohns smaller than 3XXL to be found in Iqaluit, so finally, the cashier said to wait here while she went home to get him a pair that she no had recentlty bought, but didn't like! That's taking helping out a neighbour to a whole new level! Super nice, but really weird! Just imagine the dialogue I had to translate! haha

But like I said, it was a good day! I saw the sun AND I managed to score myself some ice cream.. some Haagen Dasz ice cream :) It costs the same here as it does in Ottawa!

Today's blue sky!

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